by Cornelia Ramsay

Dive into Tales of No Pretence, a collection of ten short stories inspired by real-life events, brimming with uplifting messages of friendship, courage, and resilience.

From the challenges of immigration to the joys of reuniting with old friends, each tale offers universal insights and personal discoveries.

Author Cornelia Ramsay prompts readers to reflect on their own experiences, finding parallels and lessons in each story. Take a moment after each story to explore emotions and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

With themes ranging from natural disasters to transformative journeys, this book invites you to uncover the depths of your own growth and development.

Enjoy the enriching adventure within these pages.


“I had the pleasure of being among the first readers of 'Tales of No Pretence', a collection of short stories by Cornelia Ramsay.  Cornelia's writing style is very accessible, and her stories are engrossing. The stories run across a range of genres with a couple of them having the feel of an Edgar Allen Poe short story in a more modern context while others feel semi-autobiographical. The characters and events Cornelia writes about are very relatable and some of her stories had me on the edge of my seat in anticipation. There's something for everyone in this collection and, like me, the readers will probably be unable to put the book down till they reach the end of a story.”

— Sharon Luhr

“Stories connect.  They connect time, place, culture and self.  They connect the reader to the protagonist and the protagonist to the author.  To fully immerse oneself in a story it is necessary to share a little of oneself to connect.  That act can, for many of us, be challenging.  To write a story, one must share all of oneself and open a window to experiences only the writer has and portray them in a manner that bring others closer to that personal and hidden, journey.  This collection does that, and not by opening a window to a world of fantasy and magic, but rather a window into grit and resilience, encounters and unresolved questions that can only be experienced through the lens of ones own journey.”

— Lee Styger 

About Cornelia

Cornelia Ramsay is an Australian author with a deep passion for helping people. Highly educated, with practical experience in engineering, management, finance and education.

Cornelia always strives to create a better life for everyone. Her stories, inspired from real life events, stand testimony of her commitment to empower individuals and help them grow and achieve their best potential.